Community Noise Service

Black Hole offers low and no cost noise surveys and consultation to community groups seeking to analyze and respond to development activity in Southern California.

As part of planning and zoning reviews, noise is often a major consideration in the approval process. Not only for the demolition or construction phase of a new facility, but in ongoing impact to the neighborhood, it’s transportation patterns, and beyond. 

Black Hole believes that communities should have access to unbiased information at their disposal and should be in a position to analyze and respond to the data presented to them by their city planning division or representatives of the developers.

Noise reports are often hundreds of pages and filled with terms and charts that are not meaningful to the layperson, nor easy to respond to in terms of their accuracy or relevancy to the potential problems at hand.

We work with City officials, neighborhood groups, nonprofits and other local stakeholders who feel there is a need for a second opinion or expert advice. We use CA-compliant measurement equipment and produce reports usable in official review processes.

These types of surveys usually cost $4-5,000 and so are out of reach for most groups, nevermind consulting fees to analyze reports created by the developer’s chosen firm. 

If your group is in need of assistance, please email us through the contact form on this website and we will be in touch to discuss your situation